A Day In The City

The day started off with meeting some of my closest friends at the train station in our little town. It was about 9am and my friend, Kaci's, birthday. She had said the night before that she wanted to go down to the city for the day to go out to brunch and later go to the Field Museum. Once we were all at the train station, we saw a ton of people from our high school because the St. Patrick's Day Parade was also going on in the city. Since so many people were at the station for the parade, it was a hard time finding a seat on the train. Some of our friends had to end up separating from us, but once we all found a spot, the fun began. We laughed the whole way there and about an hour later, we finally arrived at the station. From there, we were supposed to walk down to the restaurant we were having brunch at, which was only about a 20 minute walk, but we decided to get food at the station anyway. While some of friends got Dunkin Donuts, Simply Green, and Cinnabon, my friend, Avery, and I got Jamba Juice and Auntie Anne's. We ended up eating everything so fast and were absolutely stuffed after. There was no point in going out to eat after that, but we wanted to go anyway. You only live life once, right?